Feel the excitement!
I am writing this blog to encourage you to feel the excitement and let your imagination run wild, for your most wonderful year of gardening yet. Of course right now it looks bleak, soggy, grey, wet and cold outside. Potentially not much to get excited about. But underneath the ground, roots are growing, plants are hibernating and bulbs and seedlings are just peaking out their noses. For the garden this is like the time before the pistol goes off on a race, the count down of one, two, three before plants start storming ahead with root, stem and leaf growth ready to bloom for a wonderful new year. The ice and snow makes the garden feels fresh and clean for a new start and eager in it’s anticipation for a brand-new beginning, if you listen closely to the ground, you can almost feel it’s icy quiver of excitement, as if it whispers to you, next year of gardening is going to be the most wonderful.
What a joyful time to be a gardener it is! This fresh clean canvas Mother Nature has currently provided for us means we can look at an old space with new eyes, and draw up endless plans, could we have a herb garden, (what wonderful additions herbs would be to arrangements!) an alpine corner perhaps, a wheelie bin makeover surrounded by plants, a vegetable section, a walk through arch way filled to the brim with sweet peas a new cutting bed, or cutting corner, grasses to run our hands through, scented plants, edible plants, bold, bright and beautiful plants, plants in every colour, or plants in a very select colour pallet. The choices are almost certainly endless! It’s not just about what you want to grow, but how you want it to make you feel, are you going to create a garden to evoke calm, to evoke joy, to invigorate and excite or to soothe and mesmerise, perhaps you want a garden that feels vibrant and encourages play and doesn’t take itself too seriously, or perhaps you want a classic sophisticated formal look. Whatever look you want or feel you want to create, the choice is literally yours. Whether it’s a window box, a balcony, a small front garden or twenty acres, if you a re lucky enough to have a little patch of earth to cultivate why not create something that makes you feel incredible. Winter might be seen as dull by some, but not us, we will see this as a time to be savoured and relished a wonderful opportunity to stare at our new blank canvases with fresh eyes, and feel the excitement to create our own wonderful masterpiece that brings us
sheer happiness in every way.
Wishing you the most exciting time letting your imagination run wild and planning a wonderful space, happy sowing!
Higgledy Gemma (colour wheel garden)