One might think that Aster ‘Ostrich Plume’ looks a tad too flouncy for a Higgledy shaped chap but oh no no no, ‘Ostrich Plume’ is a darling in the vases at Higgledy Towers. ‘Ostrich Plume’ is like Barbara Cartland on a stem. Shear colourful bonkersness. The Victorians shared my opinion, and gardens up and down the nation would have a patch they would cut for the house.
(Click here to see Aster ‘Ostrich Plume’ in the Higgledy Seed shop of dreams.)
The blooms are quilled, large and double. The colours I have heard described as being ‘boudoir’, which seems fitting. Dusky pinks and saucy mauves….with some crimson and whites thrown in.

I like them in a simple vase on their own but a few spikes of Salvia ‘Oxford Blue’ can add some extra textural interest, and perhaps some Nicotiana ‘Lime Green’ to calm the whole vibe down.

Growing ‘Ostrich Plume’ is straight forward. She is a half hardy annual (Click link if you need an explanation.) So March to May is your sowing window. Keep the seedlings well away from a frost.
Happy astering!
Benjamin Higgledy.