Ok I’ve done it, the seed box is out! I’ve made a start but I’m trying to not get carried away but this mild weather does strange things to you. Its been very warm here in Lancashire and everything has been stirring. I finally have some colour in my garden, the Hellebores are looking fabulous, delicate Iris reticulata are out, such short lived beauty but so welcome at this time of year. Cyclamen coum with its bright pink flowers and beautiful patterned leaves. Pulmonarias are just starting to flower, so good for the early pollinators that are braving the weather. I’ve already spotted a big bumblebee out and about. The daffodils are out and there are big fat shoots coming up in the tulip bins and pots. Its all so exciting.
This is my absolute favourite time of year the magic of seed sowing, I’ve been sowing seeds for years now but I still feel that giddy excitement when I see the little green shoots poking out of the soil. I’m straight up in the morning to look at the collection of pots on the window sill and see what has changed during the night.
I’ve been squelching down my garden (when is this rain going to stop!) to the greenhouse and having a bit of a sort out there. Clearing out anything thing that hasn’t survived the winter, its been a relatively mild winter, just a couple of really cold spells. My autumn sown Sweet peas are currently in a sheltered spot outside and they look much better for it, they were looking a bit bedraggled and a bit of fresh air and rain has done them good. I’ve also put outside the Cornflowers, Corncockle and Ammi majus, they were growing too quickly inside. These have been fine and are so good from an autumn sowing. I will bring them in if it forecasts heavy frosts. I’ve potted on a few things, Orlaya grandiflora, Papaver nudicale, Ammi visnaga, Daucus carota ‘Dara’, Echium ‘White Bedder’ and Omphalodes linifolia ‘Little Snow White’. I also have Cerinthe which is looking good.
So what have I been sowing, well I’ve sown some of the perennial seeds which can sometimes take a while to germinate. I’ve sown Echinacea ‘Primadonna Pink, Gaura ‘The Bride’, Chrysanthemum ‘Crazy Daisy’ and Knautia ‘Melton Pastels’. These I’ve sown in 9cm pots and have placed these on my bedroom window sill where it gets some warmth from the radiator below. I sowed these on the 10th February and I already have germination in the Gaura, Chrysanthemum and Knautia which is very exciting. Patience will be required for the Echinacea, they can be slow to germinate. Plus I’ve also sowed Cobaea scandens and some Thunbergia (Climbing black-eyed Susan) these are on my small propagator which gives a gentle bottom heat. Already can see a few shoots of Cobaea.

Then just last weekend I spent a pleasant couple of hours in my potting shed sowing some of the hardy annuals that are pretty tough and can cope with a bit of cold. Calendula sunshine in a seed packet.
Some more Cornflowers as you can’t have too many cornflowers.
Echium ‘Blue Bedder’ for the bees.
Cynoglossum, like a forget-me-not on steroids.
Salvia ‘Oxford Blue’, I’ve already written about how much I love this flower here.
Godetia ‘Crown’ much loved by Higgledy Gemma, plus I’m trying a white form Godetia ‘Memoria’.
Gypsophila ‘Covent Garden’, I need to master growing this lovely little white flower.
Finally I’ve sown a few different varieties of Scabious including ‘Black Knight’ the fabulous ‘Ping Pong’ grown for the quite bonkers seed head. So I’m keeping an eye on all these now and will keep you posted.
Just had another peek at the pot of Echinacea seeds and there is a little green shoot! Whoop!!
Have you started sowing yet? Lots of guides on here to help you get started by myself and Ben.
Higgledy Anne
(I’m on Instagram anne_hinks and on Twitter Anne Hinks if you fancy a follow)