Visual spring seed sow along guides for growing the best cut flowers of your life!
We’ve all experienced it where we get all excited buying a packet of seeds and then it arrives and we question whether we are sowing it the correct way, we look at seed sowing guides, give it a good go and hope for the best, but sometimes we also like something visual that we can literally follow along and copy step by step, as a comforting guide to give us the extra confidence we are growing our seeds in the best possible way! That is why every day in March I have sown one of every single annual and perennial in the Higgledy Garden shop, so you can always have a visual guide on how to sow your seeds! Now do not worry if you are reading this after March there is loads of time to grow annuals and perennials in fact for most seeds April to May is the absolute best time of year to get sowing so you are in plenty of time to grow along, I just started mine in March so you could have visual sowing guides ready for when you needed them!
Now if you prefer written guides, here at Higgledy Garden we have it all! As the wonderful Higgledy Anne has wrote a fantastic detailed seed sowing guide for every single seed stocked which you can find by clicking here! So whether you are after visual sow alongs from myself, Higgledy Gemma, which are all below, or photos and guides from the King of cut flowers himself Benjamin Ranyard founder of Higgledy Garden! Or a written seed sowing guide, we cover absolutely everything! So you can rest assured you are in safe hands with loads of support for all your cut flower growing queries!
Now if like me you really appreciate a visual sow along then I have got links below to sow alongs for every single annual and perennial seed we stock, so whatever seed sowing you would like a guide too just simply click on one of the links below and it will take you straight my Instagram page (Colour Wheel Garden) and straight to that exact seed sowing guide! Happy sowing!
Bee Friendly Mix
Amaranthus Caudatus Red (Love – lies – bleeding)
Ammi – (both Ammi Majus and Ammi Visnaga are sown in the exact same way)
Aster Ostrich Plume
Briza Maxima
Calendula – (all Calendula varieties can be sown in the exact same way)
Cornflower – (all Cornflower varieties can be sown in the exact same way)
Chrysanthemum Crazy Daisy
Chrysanthemum Rainbow
Cleome – (both White Queen and Violet Queen can be sown in the exact same way)
Climbing Black Eyed Susan
Climbing Nasturtium
Cobaea Scandens – (It is worth noting that if you want Cobaea to produce flowers it is worth sowing it ideally in January and February)
Cosmos – (all Cosmos varieties can be sown in the exact same way)
Dahlia – (all Dahlia varieties can be sown in the exact same way)
Daucus Carota
Didiscus Blue Lace
Dill Mammoth
Echinacea Primadonna Pink
Eschscholzia – (both Eschscholzia Orange King and Ivory Castle can be sown in the exact same way)
Gaura The Bride
Godetia Crown
Gypsophila Covent Garden
Helianthus a.k.a Sunflowers – (all Sunflower varieties can be sown in the exact same way)
Ipomea Heavenly Blue
Ipomea Exotic Love
Knautia Melton Pastels
Larkspur – (both Larkspur Hyacinth and Larkspur Imperials can be sown in the exact same way)
Malope Trifida Vulcan
Nicotiana – (all Nicotiana varieties can be sown in the exact same way)
Nigella – (all Nigella varieties can be sown in the exact same way)
Night Scented Stock
Phlox – (both Phlox Crème Brulee’ & Phlox Sugar Stars can be sown in the exact same way)
Rudbeckia – (both Rudbeckia Marmalade & Rudbeckia Irish Eyes can be sown in the exact same way)
Salvia Viridis – (Both Salvia Viridis Oxford Blue and Salvia Viridis Painted Sage mix can be sown in the exact same way)
Scabiosa Ping Pong
Snapdragon Lucky Lips
Statice – (both Statice Higgledy Mix and Statice Sky Blue can be sown in the exact same way)
Sweet Peas – (all Sweet Pea varieties can be sown in the exact same way)
Zinnia – (all Zinnia varieties can be sown in the exact same way)
There you go! A visual seed sow along for every annual and perennial we stock! Wishing you a glorious year of seed sowing and picking wonderful cut flowers!
Happy sowing!
Higgledy Gemma
(a.k.a – Colour Wheel Garden)