Who doesn’t go all goosey for a crimson wallflower?! Higgledy Anne, Higgledy Gemma, myself and Flash, all got together to decide which crimson wallflower we would chose for our own gardens and Vulcan won hands down. Why? …because of the depth of its colour… its fragrance, and notably its height.
Height 45cm
Seeds in packet: 500
Hardy biennial. We like to sow in June and July for flowering the following spring.
Wallflower ‘Vulcan’.
Who doesn’t go all goosey for a crimson wallflower?! Higgledy Anne, Higgledy Gemma, myself and Flash, all got together to decide which crimson wallflower we would chose for our own gardens and Vulcan won hands down. Why? …because of the depth of its colour… its fragrance, and notably its height.
Height 45cm
Seeds in packet: 500
Hardy biennial. We like to sow in June and July for flowering the following spring.
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