Ahoy there, flower fans!
My main gardening project this year was at the Taraloka Buddhist retreat centre close to the Llangollen canal in North Wales. In March I met a lass on the towpath who worked there, and we talked about the possibility of me utilising some of their land in exchange for flowers that they could use on their shrines. This is what we did and it all went swimmingly well.

There is a standard 6x8ft greenhouse at Taraloka. I used some of that space to start a range of annuals in three-inch pots, in early April. A raised bed was built and finished in early June, and as soon as I could I planted the seedlings out at about a foot apart, which is my standard vibe.

Happily the seedlings rocketed forth and the bed was a great success.

We dug a second bed out of the lawn. It too became a riot of annuals.

I have resown the lawn bed with hardy annuals which will flower early next spring….and hopefully, will be big and juicy. :)

I also grew a very simple container garden on the roof of the boat using galvanised buckets.

The next project will be sowing hardy annuals in pots to overwinter in the greenhouse (or clear storage boxes). Then in October it’s time to be thinking about sweet peas….YEAH!
I hope your own gardens went well.
If you have any questions then please ask away…you can find me on Twitter or Facebook. Should you wish you can join ‘Club Higgledy’ (see the right hand side bar).
Kindest regards
Benjamin Higgledy and Mr Flash.