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The Higgledy Garden Seed Sowing Guide
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Colour Wheel Garden grow along! Part 8: Pink!
Colour Wheel Grow Along: Part 7: Purple!
Grow along with Higgers #4. May 5th.
Colour Wheel Garden! Part 6: Blue!
Colour Wheel Garden Grow Along! Part 5: Green!
Colour Wheel Garden Grow Along! Part 4: White!
Colour Wheel Garden grow along! Part 3: Yellow!
Sowing up a cut flower patch in May.
Colour Wheel Garden Grow Along! Part Two: Orange!
Colour wheel grow along: Part One! Red!
Time to sow some sunshine! Sunflowers to make you smile.
Grow along with Higgers #3 update.
Grow along with Higgers #2 Nicotiana. March 24th.
Calendula Girls
Ammi majus and Ammi visnaga from seed.
How to grow the best half-hardy flowers from seed.
Five flower shapes to grow in your cutting garden.
Can you feel it?
Storage boxes as mini-greenhouses. A guide.
Say “I love you” with seeds!
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