It is getting late to sow biennial flowers…but as long as you are fairly sharpish all will be well. It helps being down in the South West of course…but then the berries have been telling me the whole of the UK is in for an Indian Summer.
Biennial flower seed can be direct sown into the ground or, as I usually do, sown into pots.

The secret, is that if you have sown them into pots…they must be planted out before the end of September and preferably before the equinox of September 20th. I don’t plant out my seedlings before the equinox because I’m a Druid, but because the days get shorter after the equinox and plants seem to be very tuned into this and generally slow down their planty ways. We want our Biennial darlings to get a good root system going on before winter sets in…this way they will rocket forth in early spring and make everything jolly and handsome.

Only cover your seeds with a light covering of compost. I have also given mine a light dusting of vermiculite…this is because I am a trained professional…you can also do this at home. Link: Why use vermiculite.

I have been using New Horizon Peat Free compost this season…100 litres for a tenner down at my local garden centre. I have found it does the job no problem…though I understand some other horti folk have had issues…give it a go…see what you think.
Note On Costs.
Each of the two long trays in the photo at the top cost in the region of £1 for compost, £1 for seeds and .50p for vermiculite.
Don’t delay….get your biennials in el pronto!
…now did I mention I sell biennial seeds? No? …well I do…here’s a link to my Biennial Collection.
Have fun.
Kind regards
Benjamin Higgledy